The Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (previously known as Academic Staff College), Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar was established in 1988 following introduction of scheme by university grants commision in 1987. since its inception, it has been attracting teachers from all over india,rather than from a specific region and has become a platform where the guru nanak dev universities academic community shares its knowledge,inside and ideas with larger academic community of the country on a reciprocal basis.
The U.G.C Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (previously known as Academic Staff College), G.N.D.U. Amristar has, since its inception achieved high standards of excellence in its working, based on team work of a small but committed, dedicated and competent group of teaching and non-teaching staff. The efforts made by the staff college are academically and socially relevant. In this globalize era teachers are given to higher learning and their being a equipped with excellent academic standards and pedagogical tools.
We are trying to keep pace with the constant flow of information and knowledge.Efforts are also being made to update the knowledge base and outlook of the teachers at regular intervals. We are continuously trying to seek to stimulate the academic environment for promotion of teaching and research in higher education institutions by keeping teachers abreast with the latest developments in key areas of information and knowledge.

Orientation courses enables the teachers of different disciplines to:
- Understand the significance in general and higher education in particular, in the global and Indian contexts.
- Acquire and improve basic skills of teaching at the college/university level to achieve goals of higher education.
- Understand the organization and management of a college/university and to perceive the role of teachers in the total system.
- Utilize opportunities for development of personality, initiative and creativity.